2.4 stanDaRDs & Regulations - liQuiD Fuel suPPly
Fuel stoRage tanK siting
Consult OFTEC Manuals
It is unlikely that a fire will start at a fuel tank. However,
the stored fuel must be protected from a fire or heat
source that originates nearby. For this reason fuel tanks
of up to 3,500 litres should be separated from openings,
other than airbricks, in the building by a minimum of 1.8m
and a non-fire rated boundary by a minimum of 760mm.
Where this cannot be achieved, a 30 minute fire rated
barrier should be constructed between the hazard and
the tank, which extends a minimum of 300mm higher and
300mm past each end of the tank. Note that a minimum
separation distance should be maintained between a flue
exit and fire barrier (see page 7 (flue regulations)).
Steel tanks must be mounted on brick or block piers with
a waterproof membrane between the piers of the tank.
Fuel storage tanks should not be sited within 1.8m of
boiler flue outlets.
Do not allow household waste or hot ashes container in
vicinity of oil storage tank or boiler flue outlet.
FlexiBle oil PiPe(s)
A flexible burner oil hose is supplied with the boiler which
must be wholly contained within the appliance case.
Please note: a filter must not be fitted inside the boiler
and all joints in the oil line must be oil tight. soldered
joints are not permissible. Before connecting to the
boiler, always flush the complete oil supply line and
ensure that the liquid fuel supply is completely clean
and free of any dirt or foreign matter.
oil line ConFiguRation
Refer to burner manual section on Hydraulic Systems for:
• Two pipe systems.
• Pipe sizing & distance.
• Tank heights.
• Pump priming.
Regulations & stanDaRDs
Please consult all local and regional regulations, relevant
to water resources (control of pollution and oil storage) as
well as OFTEC Book Three.