Smart Cadence
Smart Cadence is a collection of cadence training features that enhance traditional tempo
training. This section describes the Smart Cadence configuration option shown in
Figure 3
Smart Cadence can be setup to provide cadence beeps at a particular target rate (set in cycles
per minute, seconds per cycle, strokes per minute, or seconds per stroke). An optional setting
to double the rate is available if it is desired to beep per hand entry, e.g. in freestyle or
Additionally, Smart Cadence can be setup to turn the cadence tones on for the odd lengths and
off on the even lengths of your swim. This encourages swimmers to learn what a particular
stroke rate feels like while they have the guidance and then try to replicate it on their own when
the guidance is turned off.
Smart Cadence also includes a special Learning Mode where the swimmer’s stroke rate is
calculated on the first length and then the target cadence is set to provide cadence beeps at
that rate for subsequent lengths. This encourages the swimmer to establish and maintain a
consistent stroke rate for their swim.
Smart Cadence is especially powerful when combined with stroke rate feedback. The swimmer
receives the cadence guidance targeting a particular rate during the length and then at the end
of the length hears what their actual stroke rate was. Again, this encourages the swimmer to
establish their “feel” for swimming at a particular rate.