The Warning Handset “chirps” and
the “Signal Failure” light flashes
once per minute.
Nearby electrical or electronic equipment is interfering with
the Warning Handset. Find the cause of the interference by
moving nearby equipment away from the Warning Handset or
switching it off for a short time. (WARNING: Do not switch
off safety critical or life support equipment). Ensure that the
interfering equipment is kept away from the Warning Handset
if found to be the cause of a signal failure or move the handset
to an alternative location.
The Warning Handset does not
respond to an alarm that is being
Ensure that the smoke/CO alarm is working and does not
have a low battery.
Check that the alarm is compatible (check for the Wi-Safe
logo) and has been connected to the Warning Handset (see
“How to Install your Warning Handset - connect”, page
Check to see if the “Signal failure” light is flashing (see above).
Move the Warning Handset closer to the alarm and re-test.
If it responds, the Warning Handset was positioned too far
away from the alarm or something was blocking the signal. See
“Positioning”, page