Rotar Plus 20-25 Easytronic - Cod.197AA2702 - Edition 00 01/2004
Motor stop due to thermal relay
High oil consumption
Oil leakage from suction filter
Safety valve open
Compressor temperature thermo-
stat tripped
Low compressor efficiency
The compressor is running but
does not compress air
The compressor compresses air
beyond set max. pressure
Compressor does not restart
Difficult start
Oil inside cabinet
Voltage too low
Defective drainage
Oil level too high
Oil separator filter broken
Oil separator filter seals leaking
Suction regulator does not close
Pressure too high
Suction regulator does not close
at the end of the cycleI
Oil separator filter clogged
Room temperature too high
Radiator clogged
Oil level too low
Thermostat faulty
Belt is slack
Air filter dirty or clogged
Regulator is closed and does not
open because it is dirty
Regulator is closed and does not
open because it receives no com-
mand signal
Regulator is open and does not
close because it is dirty
Regulator is open and does not
close because it receives no
command signal
Oil separator filter clogged
Min. pressure valve does not clo-
se perfectly
Voltage too low
Shop too cold
Leakage from tubes
Leakage from front compressor
Check voltage, press Reset and start once again
Check motor absorption and check relay settings. If absorption is
OK, press Reset and start once again
Check oil drainage tube and non-return valve
Check oil level and drain some, if necessary
Change oil separator filter
Replace gaskets
Check regulator and solenoid valve
Check setting of pressure switch
Check regulator and solenoid valve
Change oil separator filter
Improve ventilation
Clean the radiator with solvent
Top up with oil
Replace thermostat, press Reset and start once again
Stretch the belt, press Reset and start once again
Clean or replace filter
Remove the suction filter and check if regulator can be manually
opened. Remove and clean, if necessary.
Ensure that signal between pressure switch and solenoid valve is
available. Replace part, if damaged.
Remove the regulator and clean
Ensure that signal between pressure switch and solenoid valve is
available. Replace part, if damaged.
Change oil separator filter
Remove and clean the valve. Replace the seal, if necessary
Check mains voltage
Heat up shop
Tighten fittings and/or replace damaged tubes
Remove and replace seal ring.