MINNY 420-430-520
Doc. 10004810
Emesso dic - 06
Rev. 00
6 di 6
Functional inspection of the machine
Check the funtionality of switches and lamps;
Check the brush assembly funtionality;
Check the funtionality of brush motor;
Check the funtionality of the squeegee;
Check the funtionality of suction motor;
Check the funtionality of handbrake;
Check the conditions of battery connectors and cables;
Functional test of the machine
Fill the tanks with water and check their tightness;
Check that solution fall on the brushes equally;
Check the squeegee wheels with a functional test;
Adjust the brush pressure and the brush assembly inclination doing a functional test;
Check the funtionality of the water cock;
Check the braking efficiency;
Final inspection
Check all the main function: cleaning, drying , drive.