313-0021 Twinflex Soundpoint, Red
313-0022 Twinflex Soundpoint, White
26-0510 Issue 6
General Description
The Twinflex Soundpoint unit allows for audible indication when the system enters an alarm condition. This
device is compatible with the Twinflex 2-wire range of Fire Alarm equipment and comprises a 2-wire zone-
powered sounder. This device may be installed on the same zone as the Multipoint detector/sounder and
associated Twinflex devices.
Before Installation
The Sounder must be installed in compliance with the control panel installation manual. The installation must
also meet the requirements of any local authority. For maximum performance the sounder should be installed in
compliance to BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Fike recommends spacing of sounders in accordance with BS5839 Pt1. For more specific information regarding
sounder spacing, placement and special applications please refer to BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Device Installation
Surface Mounting
Fix the surface back box to a flat vertical surface using at least two of the four mounting
holes provided. The back box may be drilled to allow cable access as required. A 20mm
hole is already provided at the rear. Zone cabling may be connected to the terminals in
the back box.
Flush Mounting
The Soundpoint may be flush mounted utilising the optional adaptor plate, combined
with any standard single gang flush mounting back box (with a minimum internal
depth of 47mm).
After installing the back box securely, attach the adaptor plate using the two screws
provided, and terminate your cables directly into a flying terminal block.
Installation 2nd Fix
Once all testing has been carried out on the cabling and ‘continuity & integrity’ has
been proven, the Soundpoint front may be installed.
Connect the wires from the Soundpoint front in to the appropriate terminals in the back
according to the wire colours
. The Soundpoint front may then be installed by locating
the upper mounting
into the back box and then pushing the unit gently home. The
single fixing screw may then be tightened as required.
Please remember that all high voltage testing must be carried out before the installation
of the Soundpoint front unit, otherwise the electronics will be damaged.