The following sections identify the sources of common problems that may occur with
the E100 and suggest ways of correcting them.
These sections do not attempt to provide troubleshooting information for attached computers
such as PCs, the copier, or extensive networks. Refer problems in these areas to the
appropriate service departments and site administrators.
The troubleshooting process is designed to allow you to eliminate the most obvious causes
of failure before you progress to more complex issues.
gives an overview of the E100 components and indicates areas most likely to require
• Try a phone check before you go to the customer site.
“Before visiting a customer site”
on page 74 suggests areas you should check before making
a service call to the customer site. With a phone call, you can find out if the problem is a
simple operating failure or a failure caused by a network or configuration change. You can
ask the customer to check for loose cables on the back of the copier and loose connections
at a power strip or outlet.
• Check for obvious causes of problems.
• Check network connections.
on page 75 takes you through the initial visual checks you should
make when you arrive at the customer site.
“Checking the network connection”
on page 75 provides guidelines for checking the
network connections between the copier and the computers to which it is connected, as
well as information on several printing problems.
Where problems occur
The E100 is a built-in print server for the copier, and is generally part of a configuration like
the one shown in
. Problems may occur in one of the following areas:
• The E100 or copier
• The interface between the E100 and copier
• The interface between the E100 and computers that print to it