Photoshop 4.x
RGB Source and Rendering Style settings have no effect on CMYK images. The Spot
Color Matching setting is also irrelevant because Photoshop converts PANTONE
colors to CMYK values when you work in CMYK mode.
• If the image was separated for an offset press standard, apply the corresponding
CMYK Simulation setting. For example, if the image is separated for SWOP, choose
SWOP as the CMYK Simulation setting. If you apply a CMYK Simulation setting
(other than None) to the job, choose Color Proofing (Photo) or Color Proofing
(Solid) for the Rendering Style setting (see page 1-4).
• If the image was separated using a custom separation (not a press standard), choose
None as the CMYK Simulation setting, or choose the corresponding custom
simulation profile on the Fiery 3850C if one has been downloaded with the Profile
Manager. For more information on the Profile Manager and ColorWise Pro Tools,
see Chapter 4.