Status Messages
Input Closed
Cannot zero the displayed pressure because pressure sensor not
open to atmosphere. Open input port.
Output Closed
Cannot zero the displayed pressure because pressure sensor not
open to atmosphere. Open output port.
High Voltage Warning
Voltage was above 130 VAC. Motor stopped. Ensure power network
voltage is between 95 and 130 VAC @ 60 Hz.
Low Voltage Warning
Voltage was below 95 VAC. Motor stopped. Check power network to
ensure voltage is between 95 and 130 VAC @ 60 Hz.
High Pressure Cutoff
Output (cylinder) reached dangerous pressure. Motor stopped.
Ensure all valves after the output port are open. The cylinder may need
to be cooled or replaced to reduce pressure.
Low Pressure Cutoff
Input reached final recovery vacuum. Motor stopped. It’s normal
to see this after RECOVERY or SELF PURGE is complete. If unexpected,
ensure valves before the input port are open and the knob is not set to
Motor Fault 1
Motor temperature measured above operating range. Motor
stopped. Extremely high ambient temperature, extended liquid
recovery time, or high cylinder pressure can be the cause. Allow
time for the motor to cool down before resuming, and throttle the
RECOVERY (page 19).
Motor Fault 2
Motor current (amps) rose above operating range. Motor stopped.
Extremely high ambient temperature, harsh liquid slugging, extended
recovery time, or high cylinder pressure can be the cause. Throttle
RECOVERY and start the motor. If fault occurs again, throttle even more
and start the motor (page 19).
Motor Fault 3
Motor stopped for unknown reason. If this occurs repeatedly, there
may be something wrong with MR45.
Other Symptoms
MR45 never reaches 10”Hg or 20”Hg vacuum
during recovery or self purge.
Check for a leakage before the input port.
For 10”Hg vacuum, the recovery cylinder should be below 475psig.
For 20”Hg vacuum, the recovery cylinder should be below 230psig.
Input port shows frost or signs of leakage.
Ensure the grooved input fitting is hand tight before tightening the
hex nut (page 30).
Recovery is slower than normal.
There could be an input blockage. Check mesh screen filter for
blockage. Ensure knob is set to RECOVER.
Display does not turn on when plugged in.
Ensure power cord and outlet are okay.
Excessive noise during liquid recovery.
MR45 is experiencing a high load. Rotate the knob of MR45 to
throttle the refrigerant flow.