1. Place the plough duly leveled on even land.
3. Attach the left arm of the tractor to the plough first.
4. Attach the central arm to the plough. To attach, turn the screws on both sides to an equal
length. If the arm is too short or too long, turn the screw to adjust both simultaneously until
aligned with the hole on the central arm.
2. Bring the tractor backwards to the plough(don’t drag the plough towards the tractor).
3.7 Attaching the plough to the tractor
6. After attaching the plough lift it and adjust the control arm parallel to the ground. When you
look from both rear or sideways, the points should all be touching the ground uniformly.
5. To attach the lower right arm, turn the screw until the mounting pin is at the same level as the
hole on the tractor arm. If the gap between hole and mounting pin is too close or too distant,
turn the control arm in or pull it away to an appropriate distance respectively. You may have
to adjust both height and distance at the same time. When the hole at tractor arm and
mounting pin are at even levels, insert the pin in the hole and lock it with the lynch pin.
The picture shows the location of the pressure control
valve of the cylinder.
The adjustment of the allen screw will increase /
decrease the pressure as per requirement.
4.1 Instructions For Tractor Preparation
2. Adjust the front and rear wheel track width.
The following are typical instructions for preparing a tractor for operation.
In order to get better results, the following adjustments are necessary.
3. Provide adequate front end ballast for tractor stability.
4.2.2 Adjustments For Deeper Ploughing
Provision is given in the plough standard for the
adjustment of the horizontal angle and vertical tilt angle to
obtain optimum point operation in various soil conditions.
Tilt Angle is the angle which the plain of the cutting edge
makes with the vertical line. It ranges from 100 - 150.
Increasing the tilt angle improves point penetration in
heavy, sticky soils. Decreasing the tilt angle improves
point penetration in loose and brittle soils.
Tractor should be in high first gear.
1. The horsepower of tractor selected should match that of the implement.
5. Select load and depth control setting according to tractor operator’s manual.
4.2 Adjustments
The depth of the plough can be obtained by the position and draft control levers of the
tractor hydraulic system. However more depth can be obtained by:
Reducing or increasing, as per the soil, the tilt angle. A correctly tilted Plough tends to
penetrate better.
4. All plough adjustment should be carried out.
4.2.1. Cutting Angle Adjustments
Adding extra weight to the Plough.
If the ground is covered with trash, set the plough in almost vertical position and add
weight to the Plough. In such soils notched Plough gives better results.
4.2.3. Leveling the plough
The level of the plough is controlled by the tractor top link. If the rear end of the plough
beam is higher than the front end of the beam, extend the top link. If rear end of the
plough beam is lower than the front end, then shorten the top link. Lateral leveling is
controlled by adjusting the length of the tractor right lower link. These adjustments must
be made with the plough prior to operation.
4.3 Warning For Driver
Before ploughing check all the nuts and bolts of the Plough.
Don’t plough on stony soil.
Lift the plough before approaching the road.
If soil is hard then plough the field at least twice.
Lift the Plough on every turn.
Be vigilant about the tree roots and stones.
Keep proper distance from Plough when working.