Award BIOS Setup
Chipset Features Setup
Video BIOS Cacheable
When enabled, allows the system to use the video BIOS codes from SRAMs,
instead of the slower DRAMs or ROMs.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
System BIOS Cacheable
When enabled, allows the ROM area F000H-FFFFH to be cacheable when
cache controller is activated. The recommended setting is Disabled
especially for high speed CPUs (200 MHz and above).
Memory Hole At 15MB Addr.
When enabled, the memory hole at the 15MB address will be relocated to
the 15~16MB address range of the ISA cycle when the processor accesses
the 15~16MB address area.
When disabled, the memory hole at the 15MB address will be treated as a
DRAM cycle when the processor accesses the 15~16MB address.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled (Default).
Sustained 3T Write
When enabled, allows the CPU to compele the memory writes in 3 clocks.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.