PA-2007 Mainboard Manual
BIOS Features Setup
Moving around the BIOS and Chipset Features (refer to the next section) Setup
programs shown above works the same way as moving around the Standard
CMOS Setup program. Users are not encouraged to run the BIOS and Chipset
Features Setup programs. Your system should have been fine-tuned before
shipping. Improper Setup may cause the system to fail, consult your dealer
before making any changes.
Virus Warning
When enabled, assigns the BIOS to monitor the master boot sector and the
DOS boot sector of the first hard disk drive.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled (Default).
CPU Internal Cache
When enbled, improves the system performance. Disable this item when
testing or trouble-shooting.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
External Cache
When enabled, supports an optional cache SRAM.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
Quick Power On Self Test
When enabled, allows the BIOS to bypass the extensive memory test.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled (Default).