Display for linear measurement
Data: 13/01/16
file: Simplex_ing.doc
pag 5/8
Adjusting of quota
After the assembling of instrument on the machine and setting of all parameters, to visualize on the display
the correct measure it is necessary to carry out the reset or preset of quota. Position the transducer in point
where is known exactly the correct measure to display (ex. check-stroke) or measure the quota in that point
of the axis.
Programme parameter
with value 3 in the first digit on the right and go out of the programming.
Now press
and it will appear Preset, press again 2 times
and set on the display the correct
measure to visualize, confirm with
and on the display appears the correct measure.
If the adjusting quota is worth to zero instead of the preset is possible use reset, setting value 1 on the first digit
on the right of
, this way pressing
the value on the display will be zeroed.
Now that the instrument is adjusted its necessary re-establish to the wanted value parameter
to avoid
accidental reset/preset of quota.
Battery change
The instrument is supplied with 2 batteries type AA of 1,5V (alkaline type) which assures a functioning of
about 1 year. When the loading level goes under a certain value, the indicator of flat-battery begins to blink in
occasional way and when it keeps switched on its necessary to change the batteries within a month.
To enter into the battery-holder its necessary to take off the cover and screw-off the 4 seal-screws on the two
hollows placed on a side of the instrument.
Take off the cover and take out the battery-holder and change the batteries paying attention to the polarity
indicated. Without batteries the instrument switches off: in this phase do not rotate the hollow shaft to avoid
loosing of correct quota.
As soon as the batteries are fitted inside, the instrument switches on with the same value on the display as at
the moment of the switching off and if the shaft has not be moved the value will be correct. In case the shaft
is moved during the switching off, to re-establish the correct measure its necessary to repeat the adjustment
Rotation of display
The Simplex-E is supplied standard with mounting position A.
To modify assembling position to
or vice versa, screw off the 4 screws M3, turn the instrument to the
required position and screw again.