background image · [email protected] · Info Line 800-344222

39 · [email protected] · Info Line 800-344222



1.2 Important information when using 
the appliance

Cleaning and maintenance that should be per-

formed by the user must not be carried out by
unsupervised children.

Never use electrical appliances inside the appli-

ance (e.g. heater, electric ice maker, etc.). Explosion 

Never defrost or clean the appliance with a 

steam cleaner! The steam may penetrate electri-
cal parts and cause a short-circuit. Risk of electric 

Do not use pointed and sharp-edged implements 

to remove frost or layers of ice. You could dam-
age the refrigerant tubes. Leaking refrigerant may 
cause eye injuries or ignite.

Take care that no objects are stuck in the doors.

Do not store products which contain flammable 

propellants (e.g. spray cans) or explosive sub-
stances in the appliance.
Explosion hazard!

Do not stand on or lean heavily against base of 

appliance, drawers or doors, etc.

Before cleaning the appliance, pull out the power 

cord plug or switch off the fuse. Do not pull out the 
power cord plug by tugging on the power cord.

Store high-percentage alcohol tightly closed and 

standing up.

Keep plastic parts and the door seal free of oil 

and grease. Otherwise, parts and door seal will 
become porous.

Never cover or block the ventilation openings for 

the appliance.



According to current regulations, children betwe-

en 3 and 8 years of age can take or load food from 
the appliance, but it is highly discouraged to allow 
children under 8 years of age to perform these
operations and in general to use the appliance.



Keep children under the age of eight at a safe di-

stance unless they are constantly supervised
and make sure that they do not play with the applian-



Do not use mechanical, electrical, chemical de-

vices other than those recommended by the manu-
facturer to speed up the defrosting process.

Do not damage the cooling circuit (if it can be ac-


Do not use electrical appliances inside food stor-

age compartments unless these are of the type 
recommended by


the manufacturer.


In the event of damage to the cooling circuit, avoid 

the use of naked flames and ventilate the area 



Do not use the appliance or parts of it in ways 

other than those specified in this manual.



Opening the door for long periods can cause the

temperature in the appliance compartments to rise


Clean surfaces that may comeinto contact with food 

and accessible drainage systems regularly.

Store raw meat and fish in suitable containers in 

the refrigerator, so that it does not come into contact 
with other food or drip on it.



If the appliance is left empty for long periods of 

time, switch it off, thaw it, clean it, dry it and leave the 
door open to prevent the development of mould

Never rest sharp metal objects such as knives, for-

ks, spoons and lids on the appliance during use.

Do not use abrasive or corrosive detergents (e.g.

scouring powders, stain removers and metallic
sponges) on glass parts.

Do not sit on the appliance.

Do not sit or lean on the door or any open drawers.



Do not prize on the door or handle to move the ap-


Do not use electrical appliances (e.g. hair dryers) or

sprays for defrosting, the plastic parts could be da-

Do not use the appliance to cool rooms for any re-


Always unplug the appliance in the event of a fault 

or when performing cleaning or maintenance.

Do not keep liquids in tins or glass containers in 

the freezer.

Do not place heavy objects on the top of the ap-


Содержание M899

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Страница 16: l utente ha attivato alcune funzioni descritte nel paragrafo 5 1 pertanto l utente in tale situazione non po tr pi modificare le temperature dei vani Quindi se vado a toccare l icona funzioni e vad...

Страница 17: ...y cam bier l icona da vino bianco a vino rosso 1 Doppia zona dual zone modelli 0T 0H 5 Umidit 6 Illuminazione interna 12h 7 Prosciutteria optional modelli 0T 0H 0F INFORMAZIONI PER L UTILIZZO DEL DISP...

Страница 18: ...bianchi Il sistema di refrigerazione Fhiaba permette di trat tenere il freddo nella parte inferiore del vano C Toccare il tasto S per attivare la funzione D La schermata home cambier e comparir l ico...

Страница 19: ...i B Scorrere verso destra due volte e toccare l icona luce 12h C Toccare il tasto S per attivare la funzione 7 Prosciutteria optional per 0T 0H 0F La funzione consente di impostare il vano Wine Cel la...

Страница 20: ...rsonalizzare le impostazioni del vostra cantina Fhiaba per adattarlo alle diverse esigenze di utilizzo 5 2 Impostazioni 1 Data 2 Ora 3 Gradi celsius e fahrenheit 4 Lingua 5 Sabbath 6 Reset 7 Demo Mode...

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Страница 24: ...tutorial disponibile nella sezione sup porto del sito web Fhiaba www fhiaba com it supporto video Bottom Condenser Cleaning La pulizia periodica ogni 6 mesi viene ricordata attraverso un segnale acus...

Страница 25: ...22 IT 10 Info System La funzione Info System serve per visualizzare i dati del prodotto come il codice del softwar il numero di matricola e i codici di fabbrica del frigo B Toccare l icona Info System...

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Страница 27: ...mpo Delle rapide ed ampie escursioni termiche pos sono infatti determinare una dilatazione del liqui do ed una anticipata maturazione del vino Occorre inoltre evitare una temperatura molto bassa al di...

Страница 28: ...i pregiati il suggerimenti offerti dal produttore della bottiglia TIPOLOGIA DEL VINO TEMPERATURA DI CONSERVAZIONE TEMPO DI CONSERVAZIONE Vini Novelli da 12 a 14 C 6 mesi Spumanti dolci da 8 a 10 C 1 a...

Страница 29: ...freschi e tra 12 C 53 6 F e i 14 C 57 2 F se pi robusti e maturi Vini Novelli Per la loro particolare tecnica di vinificazione i vini novelli hanno una bassa tannicit e sono quindi pi gradevoli se se...

Страница 30: apparec chiatura interne ed esterne Il video tutorial si trova sul sito www fhiaba com it supporto video Care and Cleaning 9 5 Posizionamento delle bottiglie I ripiani scorrevoli sono realizzati...

Страница 31: ...densato re Nel caso l avviso venga abilitato ci sar un segnale acustico di allarme ogni 6 mesi che avvisa la ne cessaria pulizia del condensatore Dopo averlo pulito toccare l icona reset per riabilita...

Страница 32: ...atore sono taglienti utilizzate adeguate protezioni per le mani e le braccia per pulire il condensatore in si curezza 10 CURA E PULIZIA Condensatore sopra Per pulire il condensatore nei modelli X Pro...

Страница 33: ...e pulito Verificate che le porte siano ben chiuse e che gli alimenti o i contenitori non impediscano la loro perfetta chiusura Si sentono rumori strani normale sentire rumori legati al funzionamento d...

Страница 34: ...volgersi al servizio di Costume Care FrescoTroppoCald Vano TriMode modalit Crisper Fresco troppo caldo vedi guida alla risoluzione dei problemi FrescoTroppoFred Vano TriMode modalit Crisper Fresco tro...

Страница 35: ...35 www fhiaba com sales fhiaba com Info Line 800 344222 IT...

Страница 36: ...36 www fhiaba com sales fhiaba com Info Line 800 344222...

Страница 37: ...djust the temperature for different requirements Segnali informativi di anomalia sul display 45 45 47 48 5 5 1 5 2 FUNCTIONS AND SETTINGS Functions Settings 49 49 53 6 6 1 INTERNAL LAYOUT Internal lay...

Страница 38: ...t that the appliance is connected to The packaging parts can be dangerous for chil dren do not allow children to play with the plastic bags plastic film or Styrofoam Any repairs must be performed by a...

Страница 39: ...tantly supervised and make sure that they do not play with the applian ce Do not use mechanical electrical chemical de vices other than those recommended by the manu facturer to speed up the defrostin...

Страница 40: are packaged in non polluting and recyclable materials Deliver the packing materials to the appropriate recycling centre Plastic packaging Danger of suffocation Do not leave the packaging or any pa...

Страница 41: ...e the electrical connection performed by au thorised technical personnel For avoiding dangers if the power supply cable is damaged contact technical support immediately and they will replace it so as...

Страница 42: In the event of failure of the appliance contact the technical support and have the repair carried out by qualified personnel only make sure you have the model and serial number available on...

Страница 43: kg 12h Refrigerant Fridge Fresco gr Refrigerant Freezer gr Refrigerant Type Climatic Class Defrost Heater W Total Absorbed Current A Voltage V Frequenzy Hz Lighting Neon Led W Temperature Rise Ti...

Страница 44: ...ractive control panel 3 Cantina Compartment 4 Sliding bottle shelfs mounted on wheels for easy extraction 5 Wine Cellar compartment 6 Freezer bottom drawer compartment convertible into Fridge compartm...

Страница 45: ...ance 1 Structure in stainless steel with aluminium trim 2 Interactive control panel 3 Wine Cellar Compartment 4 Sliding bottle shelfs mounted on wheels for easy extraction 5 Freezer bottom drawer comp...

Страница 46: ...D2 8 FHIABA uminate la parte bianca trasparente 00 C Impostazioni Funzioni 00 C 00 C Colore SMEG colore C71 46 www fhiaba com sales fhiaba com Info Line 800 344222 3 3 Electronic Control The innovativ...

Страница 47: ...deactivated any error message by pressing the Alarm button 4 Home screen cantina compartment 8 C wine cellar compartment 5 C wine cellar compartment 5 C 1 Touch the buttom off 1 Fhiaba Logo 2 Initial...

Страница 48: restart the wine cellar compartment Switching off for long periods During long absence periods it is recommended to switch off the refrigerator by pressing the Unit button for three seconds and di...

Страница 49: ...peratures Model 1T Model 0T 0H Model 0F How it looks to the home screen in the various models FUNCTIONS SETTINGS 1 Home screen Touch icon of cantina compartment The temperature shown can vary slightly...

Страница 50: ...ies signals at the end of this manual see paragraph 12 2 4 3 Information signals of anomaly on the display Padlock icon The padlock icon shows up when the temperatu res are set up The padlock open clo...

Страница 51: ...ine from 10 C to 18 C from 4 C to 9 C For example if a temperature higher than 9 C is set for white wine the display will change icon from white wine to red wine 1 Dual Zone models 0T 0H 5 Humidity Co...

Страница 52: ...for white wines The refrigeration system Fhiaba enables to man tain the cold on the lower part of the fridge D The home scre en will change and the dual zone icon will appear B Touch the icon Dual Zo...

Страница 53: ...t until reaching the 12h light icon C Push On if you want to activate 12h light Mode 7 Prosciutteria optional per 0T 0H 0F This function enables to set the Wine Cellar com partment with temperature an...

Страница 54: ...S It is possible to personalize the settings of your Fhiaba fridge for adapting it to the different ways you might want to use it 5 2 Settings 1 Date 2 Time 3 Celsius and fahrenheit degrees 4 Language...

Страница 55: in which way you want to see the time 12 or 24 hours B Touch the icon time A Home screen Touch the icon settings D Scroll up down to set the hours and then press ok E Scroll up down to set the minu...

Страница 56: ...own to select the desired language and press ok A Home screen Touch the icon settings 6 Sabbath Mode Optional The function makes it possible to comply to certain religious observances requiring that t...

Страница 57: ...settings reset it is necessary to set again the choice of the functioning of the drawer that has been made in case they were set before as frid ge or fresco A Home screen Touch the icon settings B Scr...

Страница 58: ...tutorial available in the support area in the fhiaba s website at www fhiaba com en support video Bottom Condenser Cleaning The recurring clenaning every 12 months is remin ded by an acoustic and opt...

Страница 59: ...o Line 800 344222 EN 11 Info System The function Info System shows the data of the pro ducts for example the software s code serial num ber amd the factory s codes of the fridge B Touch the icon Info...

Страница 60: ...the locking nuts and remove the drawer to remove the inner drawer unscrew the lock ing nuts 7 1 Lighting To provide optimum interior lighting LED strips illuminate the refrigerator compartment from th...

Страница 61: ...lation of the liquid and early aging of the wine You should also avoid very low temperatures below 4 C 39 2 F which may lead to the formation of deposits and damage the aesthetic qualities of the wine...

Страница 62: ...y for fine wines TYPE OF WINE CONSERVATION TEMPERATURE TIME OF CONSERVATION New wines Vin Nouveau da 12 a 14 C 6 months Sweet sparkling wines da 8 a 10 C 1 year Ros da 10 a 14 C 1 year Semi sparkling...

Страница 63: ...4 C 53 6 F and 57 2 F if robust and mature New wines Vin Nouveau Due to the special processing they undergo new vintage wines contain a low tannin content and are therefore more enjoyable if served be...

Страница 64: ...while the Alarm button will continue to blink Press the Alarm button to display the highest recorded temperatures Nota Scrupulously follow the detailed direc tions that can be found in the provided k...

Страница 65: ...can set the condenser cleaning warning In the case the warning sign will be enable there will be an acoustic signal every 6 months that tells that is time to clean the condenser After cleaning it touc...

Страница 66: ...use adequate protection for the hands and arms when cleaning the condenser 10 3 Internal cleaning Clean the internal and removable parts by wash ing them with a solution of lukewarm water and a small...

Страница 67: ...s or drawers open for a long period of time Were large quantities of food recently inserted Is the condenser clean Check that the doors are closed and that the food or containers do not obstruct the p...

Страница 68: ...are Cooler too warm TriMode compartment cooler mode too warm See the troubleshooting guide Cooler too cold riMode compartment cooler mode too cold Wait 12 hours If the problem persists contact Custome...

Страница 69: ...69 www fhiaba com sales fhiaba com Info Line 800 344222 EN...

Страница 70: ...www fhiaba com sales fhiaba com Tel 39 0434 420160 Info Line 800 344222 B09000216 ITEN 30 07 2021...
