Sidus F1B – free flight electronic timer
Duration and resolution of the functions
Each of the 6 available functions (F1 to F6) has a programmable time interval. The range
for F1 and F2 is 0.01 to 9.99 sec. The range for F3 to F5 is 0.1 to 99.9 sec. and the range
for F6 (DT time) is 1 to 720 sec.
Automatic switch off of the Timer
The Timer automatically goes to a “sleep” state to save power if inactive for about 60 sec.
While sleeping the state of the Timer and all the internal data are retained. The Timer
wakes up by pressing the start switch.
States of the Timer
The red led, the buzzer and the position of the disc indicate the current state of the Timer
according to the following scheme:
1. Led OFF: Timer sleeping. Press the start switch to wake it up: the Timer beeps and the
led turns ON
2. Led ON: Timer charged or discharged (disc at the beginning or at the end of its travel)
3. Led blinking fast / buzzer beeping: Timer armed, the timing sequence will start at
start switch release
4. Led blinking slow: timing sequence in progress. When the sequence is completed the
Timer goes to sleep
5. Led blinking and buzzer beeping (3 flashes / beeps): Timer battery to be recharged
Using the Timer
Starting from a discharged Timer (led ON, disc at end of its travel and all the arms
released) the functions are:
RESET - bring down all the arms, press the start switch until the led starts blinking.
The disc turns back in steps to the beginning of its travel and the led remains ON
START - press the start switch until the led blinks fast and the buzzer beeps. The
Timer is armed and the timing sequence will start as soon as the start switch is
released. It is possible to cancel the start as explained below
START CANCEL - the Timer start can be cancelled even if it has been armed,
for example if you wish to postpone the flight because of a sudden change of
the weather conditions. Once the Timer starts beeping, you have 18 seconds
(normal time) + additional 6 seconds (alert time) to drop the model and the Timer will
start. If you continue pressing the start switch, the buzzer will stop beeping and the
Timer will not start: the start is cancelled and you can safely release the start switch
STOP - the timing sequence can be early terminated by keeping the start switch
pressed for at least 3 seconds: all the pending functions are executed in steps
and the disc goes back to the end of its travel