© Ferno-Washington, Inc. 234-3346-00 March 2006
1 - Safety Information ................................................. 5, 6
1.1 Warning ............................................................... 5
1.2 Important ............................................................. 5
1.3 Bloodborne Disease Notice ................................ 5
1.4 Cot and Fastener Compatibility .......................... 6
1.5 Safety and Instruction Labels ............................. 6
2 - Operator Skills and Training .................................... 7
2.1 Skills .................................................................... 7
2.2 Training ............................................................... 7
2.3 Height and Strength Considerations ................... 7
3 - About the Cot ........................................................ 8-10
3.1 Cot Description ................................................... 8
3.2 General Specifications ........................................ 8
3.3 Components ........................................................ 9
3.4 Cot Positions ..................................................... 10
4 - Setup/Installation ................................................ 11-13
4.1 Restraints, Mattress, Accessories ....................... 11
4.2 Install the Safety Hook................................ 11, 12
4.3 Update Your Model 175 Fastener ..................... 13
5 - Using the Features ............................................... 14-17
5.1 Patient Restraints .............................................. 14
5.2 Mattress ............................................................. 14
5.3 Backrest ............................................................. 14
5.4 Fastener Release Lever ..................................... 15
5.5 Telescoping Side Lift Handles .......................... 15
5.6 Wheel Locks ..................................................... 15
5.7 Shock Frame ..................................................... 16
5.8 Sidearms: Swing-Down .................................... 16
5.9 Sidearms: Universal (Optional) ........................ 16
5.10 Drop Frame ....................................................... 17
5.11 Control Handles ................................................ 17
5.12 Lead Handle ...................................................... 17
6 - Using the Cot ....................................................... 18-24
6.1 Before Placing the Cot in Service ..................... 18
6.2 General Guidelines for Use .............................. 18
6.3 Fully Engaging the Locking Mechanism .......... 18
6.4 Changing Cot Positions............................... 19, 20
6.5 Changing Positions: One Operator
(Empty Cot Only) .............................................. 21
6.6 Transferring the Patient to the Cot .................... 21
6.7 Rolling the Cot ............................................ 22, 23
6.8 Using Additional Help ...................................... 24
7 - Loading and Unloading the Cot ........................ 25-28
7.1 Fastener Compatibility ...................................... 25
7.2 Preparing to Load the Cot ................................. 25
7.3 Loading Cot ...................................................... 26
7.4 Unloading the Cot ............................................. 27
7.5 One Operator Loading/Unloading .................... 28
8 - Bariatric Transport ............................................. 29-31
8.1 Bariatric Transport Definition .......................... 29
8.2 Bariatric Transport Guidelines.......................... 29
8.3 Bariatric Transport: Transferring the Patient .... 30
8.4 Bariatric Transport: Rolling the Cot ................. 30
8.5 Bariatric Transport: Loading the Cot ................ 31
8.6 Bariatric Transport: Unloading the Cot ............ 31
9 - Maintenance ........................................................ 32-34
9.1 Maintenance Schedule ...................................... 32
9.2 Disinfecting and Cleaning the Restraints .......... 32
9.3 Disinfecting and Cleaning the Mattress ............ 32
9.4 Disinfecting the Cot .......................................... 32
9.5 Cleaning the Cot................................................ 33
9.6 Waxing the Cot (Optional) ................................ 33
9.7 Inspecting the Cot ............................................. 33
9.8 Lubricating the Cot ........................................... 34
9.9 Adjusting the Amount of Travel of the
Foot-End Control Handles ................................ 34
10 - Accessories and Related Products ........................ 35
11 - Parts and Service ............................................. 36, 37
11.1 Parts and Service - USA and Canada ................ 36
11.2 Parts and Service - Outside USA and Canada .. 36
11.3 Parts List ........................................................... 36
11.4 Parts Diagrams .................................................. 37
12 - Limited Warranty .................................................. 38
13 - Ferno Customer Relations .................................... 38
Training Record ............................................................. 39
Maintenance Record ..................................................... 39