© Ferno-Washington, Inc 234-3298-03 February 2013
59T EZ
Chair Features
5.3 Extending lift bar
The rear operator uses the lift bar to guide and steer the chair
when rolling the chair and to control the chair on stairs.
The lift bar adjusts to five locked positions (Figure 11).
Adjust the height according to operator preference and the
task or situation at hand.
rasinG anD lOWErinG ThE liFT bar
1. Pinch and hold the release tabs together with one hand
to unlock the lift bar (Figure 12), then raise or lower
the lift bar with the other hand.
2. When the lift bar is near the desired position, let go of
the release tabs and raise or lower the lift bar until it
locks into position.
3. Verify that the lift bar is locked by trying to raise or
lower it without squeezing the release tabs. When the
lock is engaged the lift bar will not move.
5.4 Telescoping lift handles
The telescoping lift handles adjust to five locked positions
(Figure 11). Adjust the handles according to operator preference
and the task at hand.
ExTEnDinG/rETraCTinG ThE liFT hanDlEs
1. Press the release button (Figure 13) and push or pull
the handle near the desired stopping point.
2. Release the button and slide the handle a little forward
or backward until it locks into position.
3. Lock both handles at the same position. Verify that
both handles are locked by trying to push or pull them
without pressing the release buttons. When the locks
are engaged, the handles will not move.
Figure 12 - Pinch Tabs Together to Unlock Lift Bar
Figure 13 - Lift Handle Release Button
Figure 11 - Lift Bar and Lift Handle Positions
Lift handle
5 Locking Positions
Lift Bar
5 Locking Positions