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2.2 Call Apartment
The guard unit is able to contact any apartment of the community using the guard unit's call
apartment function. To call from the guard, the concierge must enter 3 digits for the resident's
block number and 4 digits for the apartment number. Video communication from guard unit to
the monitor can be established if an IP camera is linked with the guard unit. I not only audio
communication from guard unit to monitor will be available. During the call, the guard unit is
able to record the conversation's audio for later review. (SD card required)
2.3 Call Guard Unit
Guard units can call each other if required. To call a guard unit, the guard must enter the guard
unit's number assigned, such as 9901, 9902, 9903, etc.
2.4 Panel
Auto On
The guard unit can
connect with the block
panel and open the
video channel when
needed by simply entering the number of panel. In order to connect the number to be dialed
should include 3 digits for the block number and 2 digits for the panel number.
Once connected the guard unit can take pictures, open the audio channel, open the door or
simply hang up.