4. Installing a SIM card
4. Installing a SIM card
4. Installing a SIM card
4. Installing a SIM card
1. Unscrew the SIM card cover screw.
Unscrew this
2. Use the included tool or a pin to lift off the cover.
3. Insert a micro SIM card into the slot, then put the
SIM card cover and screw back into place. Tighten
the screw until snug.
* The watch supports a 4G or 3G micro SIM card.
Is a SIM card necessary?
Is a SIM card necessary?
Is a SIM card necessary?
Is a SIM card necessary?
If you don’t need phone calling or always-on
connectivity, you may not need a SIM card. The
watch works like a normal watch without a SIM card.
Without a SIM card:
The watch can still connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
However, to conserve power, the watch will not
actively scan or connect to a Wi-Fi network. You
need to manually connect to a Wi-Fi network. For
more details, refer to Section 9: Best Practices for
Best Practices for
Best Practices for
Best Practices for
Using the Fennec Watch
Using the Fennec Watch
Using the Fennec Watch
Using the Fennec Watch.
You will not be able to manage the watch from a
phone if the watch is not connected to the Internet.
Locating the watch from a parent’s phone may be
unresponsive or less accurate, as the watch relies
on cellular signal to improve triangulation accuracy.
If the watch is not connected to the Internet, a
parent will not be able to locate the watch.