Feiyu Electronics Company
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Recording Neutral Value ‘On the Fly’
It is best to carry out this procedure during minimal wind conditions.
Step 1:
Set up your aircraft and ensure correct FY31AP orientation, position & level.
Ensure the Mode 3 (auto stabilization) Elevator, Aileron and Rudder movements are
in the correct direction.
Step 2:
With power OFF, move Dip Switch No. 4 to ‘ON’ position.
Step 3:
ON your transmitter and zero all your trims. Confirm there are no deflection to
the Aileron, Elevator and Rudder surfaces by adjusting your servo links.
Step 4:
Power ON the aircraft with the FY31AP
in Manual Mode
Step 5:
Fly your aircraft to a safe height (still in Manual mode) and fly in a straight line.
Step 6:
Adjust your throttle to maintain leveled cruising flight. Use your Aileron, Rudder
and Elevator trims to attain level flight while in full manual control. By doing this you
should be able to fly the aircraft in a straight line with the Aileron, Elevator and
Rudder sticks in the middle position (i.e. fly using your trims only).
This condition of achieving level flight by trim adjustments alone and no stick input is
your aircraft’s
Neutral Value
Step 7:
While in this Neutral Value, activate Mode 3 (Auto Stabilization Mode) for at
least 2 seconds. Since Dip Switch No. 4 is ON, the FY31AP will now record your Neutral
Value. After 2 seconds, switch back to manual mode and land your aircraft.
Step 8:
After landing, power down your aircraft. Move Dip Switch No. 4 back to
position. Procedure is complete. The FY31AP is now ready for Auto Stabilized and 3D
mode flights.