Assembly instructions
FUF2 / FU3F-A/-C/-F
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… with mechanical limit switches
1. Press the
CLOSE key to move the door to a distance of approx. 50 cm from the
closed position.
If the door does not move, the motor lacks power. With the aid of the boost
(performance increase at low speeds) the motor can be supplied with an
increase in power.
(see Chapter 9.5), if necessary, check that the brake was released.
The distance depends to a large extent on the door type and the speed;
increase this value for fast moving doors.
If the door moves in the incorrect direction: incorrect motor rotary field, turn
off controller and reverse the 2 motor connections.
2. Adjust the lower pre-limit switch so that it just trips.
3. Press the
CLOSE key to move the door to a distance of approx. 10 cm from the
closed position.
The distance depends to a large extent on the door type and the speed;
increase this value for fast moving doors.
4. Adjust the lower pre-limit switch so that it just trips.
Do not travel past the limit switch at the limit positions!
5. Press
OPEN key to move the door to approx. 50 cm from the opened position.
If the door does not move, the motor lacks power. With the aid of the boost
(performance increase at low speeds) the motor can be supplied with an
increase in power.
(see Chapter 9.5), if necessary, check that the brake was released.
The distance depends to a large extent on the door type and the speed;
increase this value for fast moving doors.
6. Adjust the upper pre-limit switch so that it just trips.
7. Press
OPEN key to move the door to approx. 10 cm from the opened position.
The distance depends to a large extent on the door type and the speed;
increase this value for fast moving doors.
8. Set upper limit switch so that it just trips.
Do not travel past the limit switch at the limit positions!
9. If required by the door type: Set upper and lower emergency limit switch.
Connect the NC contacts, e.g. the safety circuit, in series with thermo switch.
10. Press
STOP and
OPEN key to enter parametrization mode and select
Parameter P.980 "Service Mode", open and set parameter value "2" to "0" (Automatic
11. Correct limit switch positions for door OPEN and door CLOSE as needed by fine
adjustment of the limit positions in automatic mode.