Connect up all the fuel lines and fit a suitable overflow through the underside of the fuselage with
the fuel filler in a convenient to access position.
Rear Fuselage and Tail Surfaces
Connect air lines to the underfuselage airbrake, and check for any leaks, as this is impossible to do
when the model is fully assembled due to lack of access.
The extension leads for the rudder and tailplane servos should be retained to the fuselage sides so
that they are well away from the tailpipe, using commercial servo lead mounts or by wrapping the
leads in paper masking tape and then using cyano to glue the masking tape to the fuselage. It is
suggested that the extension leads used are the correct length to enable all the connections to be
made at the fuselage joint, as this makes assembly/disassembly of the fuselage much simpler.