This option allows MIDI data to be received from an external device .
The default value is ON.
System Utilities
Adjusting the display contrast
Press the Setup button, select Util with the F3 function key and the Utility menu will appear.
Press the F1 function key to open the Ctrl section. The LCD contrast can be adjusted as if it were a
Press Return to save the new settings and go back to the previous menu.
Software information
In the LCD contrast menu, you can press F1 to open a window with firmware information.
Factory settings reset
PLEASE NOTE, by resetting the drum module to the factory settings, all your personal preferences
will be erased and reset to default values.
Press the Setup button, then press F3 to open the Utility window.
Press F2 to activate the Reset function. You will see a warning. If you are sure, press OK using the F4
function key, and the device will reset to the factory settings.
Once this is done successfully, the Home menu will appear.
All information and illustrations shown in this user manual are subject to change without further notice.
User manual version: 1.0
Creation date + author initials: 05-05-2015 RV Revision date + author initials: