and Power Issues
C P C 1 6 0 0 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 0 8 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 1 E
Generally, there is no need to enable the Thermal Management functions if the module is operated
in an optimally designed environment with sufficient air flow. However, to guarantee a stable
system in unsteady environment, both the internal and the external thermal monitors should be
enabled. These two monitors protect the processor and the whole system against overheating.
Thermal Management functions should be disabled when performing
Benchmarks and performance tests, otherwise the results will be
incorrect due to the power reduction processes influence.
Active Regulation
To provide controlled active heat dissipation CPC1600 is equipped with standard heatsinks.
Together with a system chassis with adjustable forced airflow capability, this provides a basis for
reliable and steady operation. Forced airflow of sufficient volume is vital for high performance
processors operating in high temperature environments.
When developing applications using the CPC1600, the system integrator must take into account
the overall system thermal requirements. System chassis must satisfy these requirements. When
performing thermal calculations for certain application, the developer must consider the
contribution of peripherals to be used with the CPC1600 to the total heat emission. These devices
must also be capable to operate at the temperatures within the system operating range, especially
those, which are attached directly to the CPC1600 processor module.
Since Fastwel does not assume responsibility for any damage to the
CPC1600 module or other system parts resulting from overheating
of the central processor, it is important to ensure that the CPC1600
operational environment parameters conform to the thermal
requirements described in this Manual.