Edition 1.1 pg.6
Show door open bitmap:
when the Call and Come In function is activated, you can opt to have the
open door bitmap displayed here when the relay is activated automatically.
Enable Call and Come in time limit and Shorten ring time:
if the square is ticked and a value is
entered here, the call during Call and Come In will only ring the telephone with that value.
This function is useful for, e.g. dentists. When calling, the door is concretely opened directly and the
telephone rings, e.g. 1 or 2 times as notification that someone is entering.
The Call and Come In function can also be used to provide contact when calling, e.g. a home
automation system. If this is the case, disable the open door bitmap.
Recipients can therefore be created doubly: first without Call and Come In and then with Call and
Come In activated. You can link a different time profile to set automatic opening of the door by
times. The double recipient is then programmed under the same button and may or may not be
called depending on the time of day. The Call and Come In function then comes with the recipient.
RFID Number
: if the optional badge reader was activated, you can read out the UID here by holding
the card over the Fasttel logo on the door intercom.
Stop forwarding with DTMF
: When a call goes to voicemail, the Wizard will see this as an answer
and therefore not call the subsequent recipients. This can be resolved by requiring the recipient to
send back a code after they have answered the call.
When, e.g. * is entered in this field, then the person who answered the call must enter * within a
pre-set time (see point 3.6 Button Settings
DTMF cancellation time). The conversation then
remains open. If * was not entered, then the call is interrupted and the next number from the
memory is dialled.
With the
button, you simulate the call to the recipient if a number was filled in for Telephone
Search: search for a recipient.
Select the
button to edit an existing contact
3.6 Quick Dial Button Settings