Part #???
Revised ??????
Part # FAST4-207
Revised 6/16/14
3400 Democrat Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118
Phone: 901.260.3278
Toll Free: 1.877.334.8355
Calibration Select
The Calibration Select screen allows the user to select which calibration the ECU will load, use, and
make changes too. The Calibration Loaded number is the calibration that is currently active. Press the
button indicating the tune you wish to load. WARNING! The new calibration will not be loaded until
the ECU has been powered down (power-cycled).
The Adaptive Learning screen provides the Adaptive Learning feature to be enabled or disabled. It will
also allow the user to set the learning gain percent by selecting the value to adjust, typing the value on
the keypad, and pressing Enter.