NDT 200
Manual, Fast Forward Video, Inc.
Set Video Format – NTSC/PAL, EXIT.
NTSC or PAL indicates what the setting will change to when button is pressed.
Firmware Version and Update – SELECT, EXIT
Select enters screen to display firmware versions and unit serial number.
Soft keys in screen are: 9600, 38400, 57600, EXIT
Specific number keys initiate firmware update at specified speed using HyperTerminal or equiv.
Remove power input when complete.
LIST or Video Clip Management
– When LIST is pressed, NDT 200™ shows a list of the clips recorded,
in the reverse order recorded (last recorded is first in the list) and a “Play All Clips” option. Soft buttons
are INFO, LOAD, and EXIT. The soft buttons act on the clip highlighted. Scroll to highlight clip.
INFO – Brings up the information window about the specified clip
Shows Folder and clip name, duration, and when recorded (time / date must be set)
Soft keys are RENAME, DELETE, EXIT
RENAME – Shows rename screen with present name at the top and alpha-numeric keyboard.
Clear – Clears namespace.
Backsp(ace) – Moves “cursor” back one position, erasing the character or space.
Select – Appends character currently highlighted to the namespace location.
Done – Changes soft keys to SET to change name and ABORT to keep unchanged.
DELETE – Screen shows “Press DELETE to delete this clip or EXIT to Abort.
EXIT – Returns to clips list.
LOAD – Loads the clip for playback. “Load” = Set the play list In and Out points to the start and end of
this clip. This makes the DVR act like this is the only video recorded on the DVR.
UNLOAD – If a clip has been loaded, the key changes to UNLOAD. This Clip must be unloaded before
all other video on unit is available.
Automatic Clip Naming with User defined name
- To get the NDT 200™ to increment using your clip
name, rename the LAST recorded clip on the unit(first in the LIST), leaving a numerical at the end of the
clip. When the clip has been renamed and saved, cycle power on the unit. It will load the directory and
name future clips incrementally from the last recorded clip, which is the first clip in the LIST on the NDT