Pump System Test Procedures
Dry Run Spin Test
The FF-3D-SM is capable of Running Dry for extended periods of me, and it is best prac ce to perform a run
dry test before using the pump. To perform this test, first double check that all hydraulic couplings are fully
ghtened, then connect the hydraulic system and run the FF-3D-SM pump dry with varying speeds for 1-2
minutes. The pump has no internal fric on. At lower rpms the pump head can be leF running without
Pump should rotate counter-clockwise towards Discharge
HPU Start-Up Checklist
WARNING: These instruc ons may not apply to non-FFP Power Units or HPUs, please read all technical
literature associated with your power unit before running the system.
Always dry run spin test pump before placing pump into pit. Do not skip this test. That will leak test the
en re hydraulic system, verify impeller direc on, and func on test the hydraulic motor.
Use only screw together dripless hydraulic couplings
All hydraulic couplings must be fully ghtened.
Check hydraulic tank oil level
Check hydraulic filter and clear fluid color
Check engine oil and fuel levels
Leak check hydraulic hose and couplings for damage
Inspect hydraulic lines for cuts, jacket abrasion.