Appendix C: Common Update Scenarios
The following section presents some update scenarios and possible solutions to these scenarios.
Scenario 1: Updating Clients in a Dynamic Update Environment
The policy in the organization is to update the computers as soon as possible with the latest critical
updates and antivirus definitions. Using management software, the updates are delivered to the client
computers as soon as the updates are available. Because the computers have Deep Freeze installed,
these updates are removed with a restart. How can patches be deployed in this type of environment?
A scheduled Maintenance Period can be used to permanently update the client machines with the
newest updates. The Maintenance Period could be scheduled to occur as often as desired. Any changes
made during the Maintenance Period are permanent. Any new updates made to the computer while
it is Frozen are only present until the machine is restarted. This has the same exact effect of a machine
that is not Frozen with all the benefits of a Frozen machine. For more information, refer to the section
Scheduled Patch Maintenance
Scenario 2: Updating in a 24-Hour Lab Environment
Some cases exist where computers are in use for 24 hours. In these environments, it can be difficult to
take computers offline to apply changes. Most patches do not require a restart. In order to disable Deep
Freeze, a restart is required. How can patches be deployed in this type of environment?
In these types of environments, the computers should be kept in a consistent state. Deep Freeze ensures
these computers are reliable and available at all times. The solution for patching is based on a rotation.
As one computer is rotated in, another is taken offline to be updated.
An alternate solution is to have the whole lab taken offline to perform a real-time update. For more
information, refer to the section entitled
Real-Time Patch Maintenance
Scenario 3: Updating in a Mobile Environment
All users work with portable laptops. These laptops are almost never connected to the network. When
they do connect to the network, updates are run. It is not possible to configure a Maintenance Period.
What methods are available here?
This environment will most likely use a logon script when the laptop is attached to the network.
This script initializes the update procedure. Deep Freeze can easily be disabled at this time using its
command line control (DFC). This control can be called within the script. For more information, refer
to the section entitled
Logon Patch Maintenance