Revision date: 08.26.15
Assembly Instructions
1. Measure 15-3/4" from the bottom of each leg
and mark the location on the inside edge.
4. Start drilling the mounting hole using an
FA4482B Tek screw if desired, or continue with
Step 5.
2. Have an assistant hold the assembly and
center the pipe strap at the mark. Position the
strap on the inside of the leg pipe. See photo
in Step 4 for location.
5. Secure pipe strap to the leg tube. Do not
overtighten. Doing so will strip threads.
3. Mark one hole position on the leg pipe.
6. Repeat steps to attach all remaining pipe
straps to the inside surface of the frame legs.
Use the photos and information that follows to attach the QH1070 straps. Attach two QH1070 straps to each bench top support assembly.