112529 Revision date: 05.13.20
1. First, turn off water and air pumps,
remove filter cap, and install the 112066
shut-off valve. Wrap filter threads with
thread tape before installation. Skip this
step if valve is installed.
2. Close the in-line valve above the pump.
3. To empty the reservoir, attach a garden
hose to the 112066 shut-off valve on the
4. Place end of hose in a container to
dispose of nutrient solution and open the
112066 shut-off valve.
Clean the reservoir periodically to maximize plant growth and to minimize system contamination. The steps that follow can be used to change nutrient
solution and to pump the reservoir for cleaning and typical maintenance.
112066 (1) Shut-
off to attach to
WF1023 filter.
5. Turn water pump on and pump out
reservoir solution.
6. Once the reservoir is empty, turn off the
pump and clean the reservoir and the filter.
See next page for filter cleaning steps.
7. Close the shut-off filter, disconnect the
garden hose, and refill the reservoir with
nutrient solution.
8. Open the in-line valve. See Step 2.
9. Turn on the pumps and check all supply
tubes to Dutch buckets to ensure they are
not clogged.