Revision date: 03.15.12
3. Remove or loosen the header. Allow the QH1330
brackets to remain
attached to the header
vertical door frame
tubes sit within
the frame channel
of the door. The
header tube will
sit on top of the
installed door.
End panel is not shown.
View is from the
outside of the frame
. End
panel is not shown for clarity. Example shows how to
install a pedestrian door. Frame differs from actual
frame; installation steps are similar however.
4. Move to the bottom of the short door jamb, loosen the
bracket from the base rail, and swing the jamb outward
to create clearance for the door as shown above.
5. With the proper assistance, lift and set the pedestrian
door in the opening.
10. Stretch the panel material snugly and secure it to the
inside of the short jamb and the header tube using Tek
screws and neo-bonded washers.
11. Verify that the door is installed so it operates correctly.
Adjust framing as needed.
12. Install Tek screws
from the outside through the frame
the door and into the door jamb tubes.
13. Evenly space the Tek screws and washers 10"-12"
around the perimeter of the door.
14. Continue by installing the overhead 10' x 9' door as
instructed using the installation guide that shipped with
the overhead door.
15. After installing both doors, continue with the installation
of the ratchets and the main cover.
Dashed line shows end panel.
6. With the door held in place, feed the end panel material
between the jamb and the frame of the pedestrian door.
7. Swing the loose vertical door frame tube back into
position and secure the bottom of the door jamb to the
base rail using Tek screws.
8. Set the header and bracket assembly at the top of the
pedestrian door frame and feed the end panel material
between the door frame and the header.
Adjust the header if needed to properly fit the door in
the opening and secure the header to the door jambs.
Top View of Door Frame
Outside of shelter
Door Jamb
of End Wall
Tek screw here to secure end panel to the door jamb.
Check the
operation of the
secure it to the
end frame. Shim
if needed.
Diagram may show a different shelter.