3. Buttons
Switch on and off (Keep button pressed)
Select menu
Return to previous (Go backwards)
Confirm choice
Start measurement
Move through the menu
Change the values in a function
4. Measuring
Start up the meter by pressing the red start button.
Choose the correct grain with the buttons.
Confirm Choice - press
The sample size required is shown in the top right
corner 9ml or 18ml
Pour the sample into the Crusher evenly
Screw the cap on until it is against the stopper
Start measuring
– press
The moisture % is shown clearly
– 13.7%
The measurement is automatically added to the average ! (No. of
measurements 3 avg. = 16.6%)
Clean the Crusher carefully after each measurement.
The meter shuts down automatically according to the setting or it can be shut
down by keeping the red power button
The dealer that buys your grain will have his own system for
measuring grain, so it is important for you to align your meter to the
grain dealers measuring system. See Offset.
Note: The only exact measurements come from oven tests carried out to ISO
Standards, this is what your Wile scales are based on.