FARGO Electronics, Inc.
Potentiometer, 167
Power Port, 15
Premium Resin Black (K), 18
prevents magnetic encoding, 114
Print Area, 10
Print Back Side Only, 95
Print Both Sides, 93
Print Cover Open, 25
Print Driver, 167
Print Edge-to-Edge, 96
Print Job, 167
Print Ribbons, 17
Print Server, 167
Print Speed, 11
Print Speed, 10
Print Top Cover, 13
printed image diagram, 127
Printer beep, 98
Printer cannot read encoded data, 44
Printer Cleaning Kit, 34, 132, 133, 137
Printer Driver, 30
Printer Timing, 63
Printer Timing Diagram, 62
Printer’s Exterior, 132
Printer’s Interior, 132
Printer's memory, 120, 124, 125
Printhead, 13, 168
Printing Method, 10
Printing Resolution, 10
Printing Test Image, 49
PRO-LX Ribbon / Cards, 4
Prox Card Encoder, 168
Proximity cards, 21
PVC, 168
Queue, 168
RAM (Random Access Memory), 168
Rasterize, 168
Rasterize Shield, 26
Reading Key Data, 26
Ready LED, 98
Ready LED Light, 14
Reboot, 168
Registration, 168
Resident Font, 168
Resin, 168
Resin Black Panel, 17
Resin Dither, 84
resin printing problem, 52
Resin Thermal Transfer, 12
Resolution, 169
Resolving data for Magnetic Stripe, 45
Resolving the Flipper Jam error message, 37
RESUME=Duplicate, 29
RESUME=Reprint, 28
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference), 169
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), 169
RGB (Red/Green/Blue), 169
Rib Calib Failed Error, 26
Ribbon, 169
Ribbon / Cards, 22, 64
Ribbon Breaking, 43
Ribbon cable, 169
Ribbon Error/Out Error, 26
Ribbon Jam/Out, 26
Ribbon Low error message, 42
Ribbon Low Error message, 27
Ribbon type, 83
ribbon wrinkle problem, 50
RibbonTraq, 169
RMA number, 169
Roller, 169
Rollers appear dirty, 133
Rotate Image 180 Degrees option, 97
RS-232, 170
safety issues, 4, 22, 64, 130
Safety Standards, 10
Saturation, 170
saturation, resin text / bar codes, 90
Scratch-Off Resin, 18
Self-test, 170
Send Track Information, 45
Sending data to Track 1, 118
Sensor, 170
Serial interface, 170
Shift Data Left checkbox, 113
Shift Data Left option, 113
SIMM, 170
Simplex, 170
Skipping Ribbon Panel problem, 40
Smart Card, 170
Smart Card Error, 27
Smart Encode Mode option, 122
Smart Encoding, 27
SmartGuard, 170
C25 Card Printer User Guide (Rev. 4.0)