Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDPii High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.1)
Background Information - Windows Printing System
Rendering is the conversion of the print job data from the application software into the
various color “panels” that the printer can understand.
The rendering component of the Windows printing system looks for the inhibit bitmap file
within the “~i” command to combine its information into the data that goes to the printer.
To describe where the inhibit bitmap file must be placed the user needs to understand the
environment of the printer instance to which they are printing.
The environment of the printer instance determines on which workstation the print job is
rendered. Where the inhibit bitmap file needs to be placed depends upon what
workstation the job is rendered.
Inhibit Bitmap - Local Printer Instances Functions
If the printer instance is local to the workstation where the print job is created (e.g., the
printer instance is not shared from another workstation on a local area network) rendering of
the print job occurs on the given local workstation.
Thus the file specified within the “~i” command in a print job being printed on a local printer
instance must reside on the local workstation.
Inhibit Bitmap - Network (Shared) Printer Instances Functions
If the printer is a shared instance (e.g., shared from another workstation attached to a local
area network) the print job is rendered on the server workstation from which it is shared
under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP and 2003.
Thus the file location specified within the command is relative to the server workstation on
Windows 2000, XP and 2003; for example, it must exist in that location on the server
Under Microsoft Windows Vista, the rendering of the print job may be performed (a) on
either the client (that is printing to that instance) or (b) on the server workstation which is
sharing that instance depending upon the setting chosen within the printer instance.
Thus the file location specified within the command depends upon your settings within that
instance for printing under Windows Vista.