This section is designed for trouble free technical operation. Most of the problems encountered by the users are due to operating mistakes .Please
check this list first for a possible solution. If the problem persists, consult your local FAR distributor or EMAIL to :
Your problem is
No light comes on when the power cord is
plugged into AC outlet.
The unit is plugged into a live outlet
No sound is heard
That the level control at the rear is not turned to the minimum
That the remote control is plugged in the right way
That your audio connection is properly done
That the remote control is not on mute position or –80 dB positions.
Sound is heard stronger from one side.
That the remote control is not on one side only
That both level controls on the rear are correctly turned on the same
When listening to stereo the left and right
sounds are reversed
That left and right wires are connected the same way
When listening to surround (more than 12
surround both sides) the sound is less powerful
That the link connection between each speaker is properly done
That you didn’t connect more than six speakers on the link connector.
Too much low frequencies
That you have checked the low frequency deep switches adjustments
That the position of your speakers is not too close to the corners
Not enough low frequencies
.That your connections are not out of phase.
That you have checked the low frequency deep switches adjustments