Fanvil Technology Co., Ltd
HQ Add: Level 3, Block A, Gaoxinqi Building, Anhua Industrial Park, Qianjin 1 Road, 35th District, Bao'An, Shenzhen, 518101 P.R. China
Tel: +86-755-2640-2199 Fax: +86-755-2640-2618 Email: sales@fanvil.com support@fanvil.com
Suzhou Tel: +86-512-6592-0605 SEA Tel: +60-3-512-21997
Blind Transfer on Onhook - Hang up after entering the target number for the transfer. The phone
will transfer the current call to the third party.
Attended Transfer on Onhook - Hang up after the third party answers. The phone will transfer
the current call to the third party.
Attended Transfer on Conference Onhook - Hang up during a 3-way conference call, the other
two ways will make a call.
Enable E.164
– You can refer to the E.164 standard.
Dial Plan Add
This functionality offers you more flexible dial rule, you can refer to the following content to know how
to use this dial rule.
Digit Map
There are two types of matching: Full Matching
or Prefix Matching. In Full matching, the entire
phone number is entered and then mapped per
the Dial Peer rules.
In prefix matching, only part of the number is
entered followed by T. The mapping with then
take place whenever these digits are dialed.
Prefix mode supports a maximum of 30 digits.