Fanvil Technology Co., Ltd
HQ Add: Level 3, Block A, Gaoxinqi Building, Anhua Industrial Park, Qianjin 1 Road, 35th District, Bao'An, Shenzhen, 518101 P.R. China
Tel: +86-755-2640-2199 Fax: +86-755-2640-2618 Email: sales@fanvil.com support@fanvil.com
Suzhou Tel: +86-512-6592-0605 SEA Tel: +60-3-512-21997
Figure 31 - Add Contacts in a Group
Using Cloud Phonebook
Cloud phonebook allows user to configure the device to download a phonebook from a cloud server.
This is very useful for office users to use the phonebook from a single source and save the effort to
create and maintain the contact list individually. It is also a useful tool for user to synchronize his/her
phonebook from a personal mobile phone to the device with Fanvil Cloud Phonebook Service and
App which is to be provided publicly soon.
NOTICE! The cloud phonebook is ONLY temporarily downloaded to the device each time it is
opened on the device to ensure the user get the most up to date phonebook. However, the
downloading may take a couple seconds depending on the network condition. Therefore, it is
highly recommended to the users to save important contacts from cloud to local phonebook
to save the time of waiting for downloading.
To open cloud phonebook list, press[Menu]->[PhoneBook]->[Cloud Contacts] in phonebook screen.