This Configuration Guide is written as general guide on how to configure the Fanvil phone
model X4G to work with PBXware 4.1.3.
Fanvil X4G supported features:
Multiple VoIP accounts
Auto provision via TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS
Call hold, mute, DND
Call forward, call waiting, call transfer
Redial, call return, auto answer
3-way conferencing
Dial plan, XML Browser
Codecs:G.722, G.711(A/u), G.729AB, G.723, G.726, iLBC
XML/LDAP remote phonebook
Call history:dialed/received/missed/forwarded
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
Anonymous call, anonymous call rejection
Music on hold
Voice mail
Call park, call pickup
SRTP for voice
Time and date synchronization using SNTP
DTMF: In-band, Out-of-band (RFC2833) and SIP INFO
IP assignment: static/DHCP/PPPoE
Video Tutorial
Video tutorial explaining Auto Provisioning setup for Fanvil Phone on PBXware 4.
Video tutorial explaining Auto Provisioning setup for Fanvil Phone on PBXware 5.