For the numbers starting with 0812/0813/0816/0817, 0825/0826/0827, 083, 085, 087,
0883/0886/0887/0888, and 089, the phone dials 11 digits (the numbers starting with 0850 and
0890/0899 are invalid).
For the numbers starting with 0898, the phone dials 12 digits.
Start with 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, and 09
7.1. Start with 03
(1) 031: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0311. For the numbers
starting with 0311, the phone dials 12 digits.
(2) 0335/0349: The phone dials 11 digits.
(3) 035: The phone dials 11 digits.
(4) 037: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0371/0377/0379. For the
numbers starting with 0371/0377/0379, the phone dials 12 digits.
(5) 039: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0390/0397. For the
numbers starting with 0390/0397, the phone dials 11 digits.
7.2. Start with 04
(1) 041: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0411. For the numbers
starting with 0411, the phone dials 12 digits.
(2) 0421/0427/0429
(3) 043: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0430 and 0431. The
numbers starting with 0430 are invalid. For the numbers starting with 0431, the phone dials 12
(4) 045: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0450 and 0451. The
numbers starting with 0450 are invalid. For the numbers starting with 0451, the phone dials 12
(5) 0464/0467/0468/0469: The phone dials 11 digits.
(6) 047: The phone dials 11 digits.
(7) 0482/0483: The phone dials 11 digits.
7.3. Start with 05
(1) 051: The phone dials 12 digits.
(2) 0523/0527: The phone dials 12 digits.
(3) 053: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0531 and 0532. For the
numbers starting with 0531 and 0532, the phone dials 12 digits.
(4) 0543/0546: The phone dials 11 digits.
(5) 055: The phone dials 11 digits.
(6) 056: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0560/0567/0568/0569.
The numbers starting with 0560/0567/0568/05 are invalid.
(7) 057: The phone dials 12 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0570/0572/0578. For the
numbers starting with 0570, 0572, and 057, the phone dials 11 digits.
(8) 0580: The phone dials 11 digits.
(9) 059: The phone dials 11 digits, except for the numbers starting with 0590/0591/0595. The
numbers starting with 0590 are invalid. For the numbers starting with 0591 and 0595, the phone
dials 12 digits.