Show the results door open history ( Succeeded or Failed)
The door open time.
If the door was opened by swipe card or remote unlocking door, the device
would display remote access name.
Open type: 1. Local, 2. Remote, 3. Card
Note: there are three kinds of card feedback results.
Temporary Card (only added the card number, without adding other rules )
Valid Card (added access rules)
Illegal Card (the card not added in the door phone database)
Door Lock
Picture 32 - Door Lock
Table 20 - Door Lock Parameters
Field Name
Current lock Status
Door Sensor
Check Alert
Enable/disable the door phone alarm. When the timeout period is
enabled, the alarm will be triggered when the door status and the door
lock status are inconsistent.
Trigger mode
When choosing the low level trigger (closed trigger), detect the input port
(low level) closed trigger.
When choosing the high level trigger (disconnected trigger), detect the
input port (high level) disconnected trigger.
Door Sensor
Check Delay
Door magnetic detection delay time setting
Lock Status
Door Close/Open