F&F Filipowski L.P.
Konstantynowska 79/81, 95-200 Pabianice, Poland
phone/fax (+48 42) 215 23 83 / (+48 42) 227 09 71
ww.fif.com.pl; e-mail: [email protected]
Do not dispose of this device to thrash with other unsorted waste!
In accordance
with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act any household electro-waste
can be turned in free of charge and in any quan� ty to a collec� on point established for
this purpose, as well as to the store in the event of purchasing new equipment (as per
the old for new rule, regardless of brand). Electro-waste thrown in the trash or aban-
doned in the bosom of nature pose a threat to the environment and human health.
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Descrip� on of the system
F&Wave is a family of wireless devices controlled by radio with a range of up to 100
meters*. The receivers are available in either a DIN-rail mounting version (housing
1S) or a ø60 flush-mounted version. The transmitters are available as handheld remo-
te controllers or as a flush-mounted version. The receivers relay control signals. The
device that receives a control signal from the transmitter will automatically send it
forward, which allows to increase the range of the remote control.
* Range of up to 100 meters in open space without any interfering factors. In building conditions and in the presence of
interference sources (power lines, transmitters, etc.) the actual range may be smaller.
FW-RC4-AC v2
for ø60 flush-mounted box