Lumina 16
Explanation control functions
The ventilation level is expressed as a percentage. Using this percentage the control computer can locate the
required level of control of the fan(s) in the combi-table.
Extra fans are shown in the combi-
table as value ‘0’ (off) or ‘1’ (on).
The combi-table is sub-divided into positions (M1 thru M10 in the example). If the ventilation level is between two
positions, the control computer determines the middle point of these positions. The following rules apply:
Controllable fans: the control computer gradually controls the ventilation position from one position to another
and also adjusts the air inlets and extra inlets.
Extra fans: with rising ventilation the control computer will only activate the fans when the next position has
been reached. With falling ventilation the control computer will only deactivate the fans when the lower
position has been reached.
Example: Taking ventilation positions from the combi-table
The required ventilation level on a certain day is 21%.
The control computer uses the settings at position M3:
Controllable fans and the extra controllable fans: 25% activated.
Contr./Extra fans: deactivated.
One Exhaust relay fan activated.
Air inlets: 21% open.
Tunnel inlets: Do not use.
Example: Settings between two positions
The required ventilation level is 28%. This percentage is between positions M3 and M4. The control
computer uses the following settings:
Controllable fans and the extra controllable fans: 62% activated.
Contr./Extra fans: deactivated.
One Exhaust relay fan activated.
Air inlets: 28% open (midway between M3 and M4).
Tunnel inlets: Do not use.