11. Q: Why is there rust marks on my extractor?
Stainless steel can rust if cleaned with abrasive cleaners. The chemicals inside abrasive
cleaners react with the stainless steel and the result will be rust.
There are many day to day
cleaning products in our kitchens that are abrasive cleaners and unknown to the consumer.
Please make sure you read the instructions and if Stainless Steel is not mentioned, then do
not use the product on Stainless steel.
12. Q: Can I extend my stainless steel chimneys if they are to short?
Yes only on a wall mount unit. Island extractor chimneys CANNOT be extended. Please
make sure of your measurements before starting your installation process. Additional bottom
chimneys are sold by Lategan & Van Biljoens in Pretoria and they are used to extend the
chimneys on wall mount units.
13. Q: My extractor is blowing and not extracting?
There are three main reasons that can cause your extractor to blow instead of extracting
and most of the time (98%), this is caused by faulty installations. Please make sure that there
is no obstruction on top or inside your ducting hose. Make sure the power cable is neatly
secured inside the chimneys and make sure the power cable is not causing an obstruction on
top of your butterfly valve. Poor workmanship and failure to secure the power cable causes
the cable to lie on top of the butterfly valve and this will block and prevent the unit from
extracting properly.
Please ensure that the tape stuck over your butterfly valves in the factory is removed when
your unit is installed. Failure to remove the tape on the two butterfly valves will result in airflow
outlet to be restricted and this will cause the air to be returned causing the blowing of air
instead of the extraction of air. Before booking a service call make sure you check this first to
avoid being charged.
(a)This is a picture of the butterfly valve closed with the tape on top:
The tape should be removed when installed. Both butterfly valves open when the extractor is switched
(b) Ducting hoses exceeding the 2.5meters will also have a negative effect on the extraction rate of
your extractor fan. If you are out-venting the air and the extension of ducting hose exceeds 2.5meter
you need to purchase an addition extraction motor that must be installed in line with the ducting hose
to support in the extraction of the air. The longer your ducting hose the less your extraction rate will