5 FIS Viewer
5.1 About the FIS Viewer
FIS Viewer displays the signals and characteristic values provided by the FIS
hardware. With the aid of the various Viewer navigation and cursor tools you can
change the display of the data and perform an error analysis. The aim of the
analysis is to identify possible damage as exactly as possible so as to be able to
perform repairs in good time and thus avoid downtimes.
The following chapter explains the work interface
. It goes on to provide more
information about working with the Viewer
5.2 The work interface
5.2.1 Work interface areas
The toolbar
contains various tools which can be used to arrange the
diagrams and display/remove the tool area and diagram information bar as
well as other tools which can be used to export measurement data, display the
corresponding configuration for the data set selected and create a
measurement report.
You will find a range of navigation tools in the tools
working area which can
be used to modify the way in which the diagrams are presented and also find a
number of different cursor tools for carrying out fault analyses. The choice of
tools which can be used varies according to the type of diagrams displayed
(FFTs, time signals or trend data).
The main area of the work interface contains the diagram
and the cursor
area, in which the corresponding values for the
selected cursor are displayed.
You will find additional information in the diagram information bar
area (on
measurement data for example) depending on the diagram type displayed.
You can use the tools in this working area to do the following:
enter comments into the diagram
select frequency bands with FFTs in order to determine characteristic values
for the fault analysis
determine the maximum, harmonic or sideband values from the diagram
depending on the cursor type.
The diagram information bar area for each diagram can be displayed or hidden
as required and can be used to zoom in on the diagram area.