background image

thread-locking compound and torque to 50 ft-lbs.  Place 

1-½” of shims from the FTS419 kit in between the carrier 

bearing and the FT20073 drop spacer.  Place a lock 

washer, followed by a flat washer on each bolt and insert 

them through the carrier bearing and shims, into the drop 

bracket with the Nylock nut. Use the supplied thread-

locking compound and torque to 50 ft-lbs.  NOTE: This 

is a starting point for the shims from the FTS419 kit. 

Adjustment can be made as needed to reduce driveline 

vibration.  SEE PHOTO BELOW. 

10. Install tires and wheels and torque lug nuts to wheel

manufacturer’s specifications.

11. Recheck all bolts for proper torque.  Recheck brake hoses

and lines for proper clearances.

12. Reinstall the rear tires and torque the lugs to factory

specifications.  The factory torque specifications can be

found in your owner’s manual.

13. Remove the jack stands and set the truck back onto the

ground.  Check the torque on all fasteners.

14. Torque the front leaf spring bolts to 222 ft. lbs. and the

rear leaf spring bolts to 185 ft. lbs.



Frame section 

8. Install Fabtech shock part number FTS7266 (not

included) with the factory hardware and torque bolts to

65 ft-lbs.

9. Locate FT20073 Angle Carrier Drop Spacer, supplied

7/16” hardware, and FTS419. Remove the two bolts

securing the drive shaft carrier bearing to the frame cross





 Attach the FT20073 to the

crossmember (with wide angle of bracket to rear) using

the 7/16” bolt, split, and flat washers. Use the supplied
