To download music files (
) from the PC, use USB ca ble
to conne ct the MP 3 Player to the USB port o f the PC.
(Make s ure to use only USB cab le suppl ied with the MP3 Player. )
Connect ‘A’ of the cable to the USB port on the part o f the PC .
Open the cover o f the USB port o n the pa rt of the player a nd connect
‘B’(a sm aller part) of the cable to the USB port
Connecting Player to PC
Install th e USB dr iver in th e following way wh en it is not reco gnized a s a
removab le disk.
If there do esn’t appear “
EZMAX EZMP- 4100 USB Device
" in “Disk Dr ive” of Device
Manager or “
USB M ass Storage D evice
”(Except Window 9 8SE) in Uni versal Serial
Bus Contr oller, or if there does a yellow exclamation mark or “Unknown D evice”, the
driver has not been properl y i nstalled. In this case, manually install the driver.
If an er ror has occurr ed while in stalling USB dr iver
Check Device Manager.
Windows 98SE/ME
C ontrol Panel
Device M anager
Windows 2000 (Professi onal )
C ontrol Panel
Hardwar e
Device Manager
Windows XP (Pr ofessional )
C ontrol Panel
Performance and
M aintenance
Device M anager
Check whether ther e are any d evice with a exclamati on mar k or questi on
mar k(unknown device or USB de vice) in D e vice Manager.
Manually Installing USB