Use the fu nction of Navigation to easily search for the file you want.
Press and hold MENU to move to t he N avigation mode .
Select the fol der or file you want to pl ay back.
but ton : move to a upper fold er
but ton : move to a lo wer fold er
VOL+/- b utton : move to a file or a fold er in the same fold er
MENU bu tton : move to a lower folder in the case of folder
set BOOKM ARK in th e case of file
Press PLAY to play back a selected file.
Using Navigation
※ Press and hol d MENU in the Navi gation mo de to rele ase.
(click M ENU button)
Recording Voice
During the playback or in the p ause status, press and hold
to record voice.
Press it ag ain to sto p recor ding.
Press PLAY to listen to the voi ce file you have just recorded.
It will be r ecor d ed in an order of V001, V002, … an d saved in the VOICE
folder as W AV file after its recording.
Voice r ecordin g will not work if it is in the F M RADIO mode or if the line-In
cable is not co nnected.
Voice r ecordin g will aut omatically stop if th e memor y is full.
Listening to Voice Recording File
In the PL AY menu, sel ect th e VOICE PLAY using the
button and pr ess
to play back the voice recor ding fi le.
Voice Recording/Listening