Stationary Obstacles
Navigating over obstacles such as ramps, slopes, curbs, raised or uneven
surfaces, pot holes and rough roads can be hazardous. Extreme caution is
needed to avoid tipping the chair over.
It is important to climb or descend an obstacle slowly, cautiously and
perpendicularly. Failing to do so may result in damage to the chair or causing
bodily harm.
Do not exceed the incline guidelines and specifications in this
owner’s manual.
To navigate over a stationary obstacle:
● Approach the obstacle slowly, cautiously and perpendicularly.
● With extreme caution, increase the forward speed gently when the front
wheels just come in contact with the obstacle and reduce the forward speed
gently after the rear wheels cleared the obstacle.
● Lean your upper body slowly and slightly forward, when going over an
obstacle with an ascending slope.
● With extreme caution, reduce the forward speed gently when the front wheels
just come in contact with the obstacle and increase the forward speed gently
after the rear wheels cleared the obstacle.
● Lean your upper body gently against the backrest, when going over an
obstacle with a descending slope.
● Avoid any sudden stops and starts.
● Always navigate perpendicularly towards the obstacle.
Inclined Slopes
If you feel uncomfortable driving on a slope, do seek assistance to protect
you from causing bodily harm to yourself.
● It is not advisable to drive on slopes over 10°.
● It is prohibited to drive on slopes over 12°.
● It is prohibited to drive on a wet slippery slope (e.g., snow, ice, oil etc.).
● It is prohibited to drive in areas with continuous up and down slopes
Reverse Driving
When driving in reverse, please exercise extreme caution. The motor wheels
may run into an obstructive object which may lead to your chair getting
out of control and may cause your chair to tip over.
● All obstructive objects should be cleared and approach cautiously and
slowly while driving in reverse
● Never drive in reverse on inclined slopes