IR Speed Dome Installation Manual
Figure4. 3 Simplified Connection
4. Terminal Resistor Connection
The 120Ω terminal resistors can be connected through the DIP switch on the circuit board and
default as disconnected. To connect the resistor, simply switch on the eighth position of SW2.
refer to section 1.3 for more about DIP switch settings.
5. RS485 Distributer Installation
In star-shaped construction (as shown in Figure4.4), terminal resistors are normally installed to the
end devices with a long spacing distance (eg. In Figure 4.4, devices 1# and 15#). There will be
problems such as signal reflection, anti-jamming ability decline and dome running out of control in
this case.
Figure4. 4 Star-shaped Connection
You can install a RS485 distributer which can effectively help to avoid those problems and improve
communication reliability. Please see Figure4.5.